Legal Status
The Red Pencil (International) was set up as a Swiss Association in 2015 and is registered with the Register of Commerce :
By-laws of RPI : By Laws – Statuts (2015).pdf
Office Address : 53 avenue Blanc, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland.
Board of Directors
Mrs Laurence de Groote, Founder and Secretary
Mr Alain Vandenborre, Chairman and Co-founder
Mrs. Anna Konchakova, Board Director
All Board directors are required to comply with the conflict-of-interest policy which stipulates that, when dealing with matters concerning The Red Pencil (International), they are to exercise their best care, skill and judgement for the sole benefit of the organisation and to make full disclosure of interests, relationships and holdings that could potentially result in a conflict of interest. Written processes are in place for Board members and employees to declare actual or potential conflicts of interest on a regular and need-to basis. Staff and Board members are to be excluded from discussions and approvals of transactions in which they have a conflict of interest.
The Red Pencil (International) adopts the Board self-evaluation policy whose purpose is to allow Board directors to evaluate and discuss the Board’s performance with candour and from multiple perspectives. It is useful to ensure continuous improvement in the way the Board conducts its business. The Board believes the evaluation will lead to a closer working relationship among Board directors, greater efficiency in the use of the Board’s time, and increased effectiveness of the Board as a governing body.
No board directors get any remuneration or cost reimbursement.
Accounting Firm : Fidinam (Geneva) SA, avenue Blanc 53, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
Auditor : PKF Fiduciaire SA, avenue de la Gare 32, 1950 Sion, Switzerland
Bank : UBS Switzerland AG, Places des Eaux-Vives 2, 1207 Geneva, Switzerland